Contact us

Need a clear answer?

Our trained careline advisors are always here to help at Clearblue, and we have several convenient ways to get in touch. Please choose the one that’s right for you.

Please note that calls are recorded for training and quality purposes. By using these services you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy policy.

PhoneCall the Confidential Clearblue Careline

Calling us is usually the best way for us to help you with any product related questions or if we haven’t met your expectations. If possible, have the packaging with you when you call so you can quote the LOT number on the pack.

We are open 8 am to 4 pm in April - October
and 9 am to 5 pm in November - March,
Monday to Friday excluding bank holidays

Clearblue RSA Careline: 0800 555 454
Calls are free from landlines

EmailEmail us

We apologise that the webform is not available at the moment. In the meantime please call on the Freephone numbers above.

Please note that we don’t support this form for all countries and we may not have the information you’re looking for. Choose your country from the drop-down list at the top of the page.

Have a medical question?

If you have a medical rather than a product-related question, contact your doctor or healthcare provider.